Breakfast Availability!

Below is a letter from Chrissy Michaud regarding school breakfast.  Hope to see any many kids as possible enjoying the most important meal of the day at MBES!

February 27, 2018

RE: Breakfast

To all Parents/Guardians,

It has come to my attention that not all students, or Parents/Guardians of the students, realize that all our schools in RSU 2 serve breakfast. The children are also allowed to get breakfast even if they are tardy, late, decide to go to walking club, go to recess, etc. The kitchen has various options that students can take back to the classrooms and eat there. All meals are USDA credited and Department of
Education approved for our children and are whole grain.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It helps with energy and children can learn better when they are not hungry. Less trips to the school nurse as well!

Breakfast costs are: $1.00 for Full pay students, No charge for free or reduced students and if parents would like to eat with their child, the Adult price is $1.75.

As a reminder, Free/Reduced applications can be turned into the kitchen staff or mailed directly to me, anytime of year. You can re-apply as many times as needed if you need the help.

Thank you,

Chrissy Michaud
Food Services Director
7 Reed St.
Hallowell, ME 04347
207-622- 6351 ext. 498