Calendar Adjustments Due to School Cancellations: Current Year (2019-20)

Dear KIDS RSU2 Community,

I am writing to inform you of some adjustments to the current school calendar, resulting from the number of “snow days” used this year. The RSU 2 Board of Directors approved the changes listed below on March 5, 2020.

Changes to the 2019-20 school calendar

  • March 19 has been changed to a full student day.
  • April 17 has been changed to a full student day.
  • March 20 is an in-house teacher workshop day; students do not attend.

Additional Information:

  • RSU 2 requires 176 student days. For this year’s calendar, five “snow days” were factored into a 176-day year that ends on June 17. Because schools were closed seven times, all on student days, we had to restore two student days that are needed to meet the minimum 176 days.
  • The last student day is still June 17, 2020. If we have additional school closures on student days, we will need to make further adjustments to meet the minimum 176 student days.

Mary Paine
Acting Superintendent
7 Reed St.
Hallowell, ME 04347
(207) 557-0062