The MA Express!

Greetings Mustangs!

 I’d like to begin this week’s newsletter by giving a shout-out to the MAD players (under the direction of Ms. Littlefield and Mr. Price) for their amazing performances in the fall production: The Internet is a Distract…Oh look, a Kitten! which was presented this past Thursday through Saturday at Cumston Hall.  We also had our fall Parent/Teacher Conferences last Thursday which were held in person and included a complimentary ziti dinner for those who attended.  A very special thanks to the members of our FBLA, NHS, and Yearbook who volunteered their time to assist with that event.

 Our FBLA team would like to thank those students and staff who wore  purple last Thursday (11/17) in recognition of Prematurity Awareness Day! FBLA will be collecting change in Advisory through Tuesday for a donation to the March of Dimes in continued support of healthy moms & babies!  

 Our Winter Sports pre-season kicks off on Monday (11/21).  Student athletes should have received information from their coaches by now.  If you have any questions, please connect with your coach or see Mr. Bell. 

 We only have a two-day school week this week as the Thanksgiving vacation will run from Wednesday (11/23) through Sunday (11/27).

 Lunch Forms:  Just a reminder that if you haven’t sent back the completed lunch form that we emailed to all parents last week, please do so by Monday (11/21) as Our school receives State and Federal funds based on the data from these forms.  We GREATLY appreciate your help!

Civil Rights Team:  Our team is part of the Maine Civil Rights Team Project (CRTP) whose mission is to increase the safety of elementary, middle, and high school students by reducing bias-motivated behaviors and harassment in our schools.  ALL students are invited and encouraged to be part of this team!  For more information, please connect with Ms. Darrell and/or Mr. Shain.

Say NO to Bullying!  Bullying is NEVER OK, and has NO place at MA.  If you or someone you know is experiencing any type of bullying or harassment (directly or indirectly), please let a teacher, staff member, or administrator know immediately.  We take great pride in maintaining a school environment in which ALL students and staff can feel safe and secure.  As it’s been said before, “If you ignore it, you approve it.”  Please join me in making our school a bully-free zone.  Thank you!

Anti-Bullying Quote of the Week:  “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” 

Superintendent Search: The RSU 2 School Board is seeking information from the larger school community regarding the permanent superintendent search for the district.  We invite you to take a few minutes to complete a short survey that will help the school board hear from you the skills, knowledge, and personal qualities you think will be helpful to complete a successful superintendent search process and that will lead to greater consistency within the position.  Your help is appreciated.  Please complete the survey no later than the end of the day Wednesday, November 23, 2022.  The survey can be found at this link:

Reminders:  During the morning break, only those students eating breakfast should be in the cafeteria, and students should be sitting at a table unless they are in line to get food.  All other students may go elsewhere in the building for their morning break.  We have a few new tables with built-in benches that can seat 8 students per table; along with one or two rectangular tables that can also seat up to 8 students.  All other circular tables may only have 6 students, and student cooperation with this request is expected and appreciated.   Finally, students MAY use their laptops during lunch as long as they aren’t eating or drinking to avoid the risk of damage happening to the laptops.  Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to keep their device from getting damaged.

Holiday Concert:  Our band and chorus will be performing their Holiday Concert on December 6th at 6:30pm at Cumston Hall.  All are invited to attend!  In advance, the band and chorus appreciates your support.

That concludes this week’s edition of The MA Express!  On behalf of the faculty and staff at Monmouth Academy, I want to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Take care and stay well.


Mr. Ted Finn, Principal