The MA Express!

Greetings Mustangs!

Just like that we are down to 3.5 school days remaining in 2022!  We will be doing an eligibility check on Monday (12/19) based on grades in IC as of this past Friday (12/16).  Teachers have been asked to send home a communication to the parents/guardians of any student in their classes with a grade below a 2.5 as of 12/16, and you should be receiving that communication no later than Tuesday (12/20). Students and parents are encouraged to log into IC to review grades, and if you have any questions, please connect with the teacher(s) directly.

We will have three regular days of classes (12/19 - 12/21); followed by an early release on 12/22 in which we will have the December Recognition Assembly followed by a morning full of competitions between the four grade levels.  Lunch will be served between 10:40 - 11:20, and all students will be dismissed for the holiday break at 11:20.  Note:  There will be no CATC on Thursday (12/22).

NHS Update:  Congratulations to Ms. Small’s advisory group for winning the Holiday Door Decorating Contest!  The NHS would also like to thank everyone who contributed to making cards for those at the Heritage Nursing Home.

Guidance Update:  Seniors - please remember to check out the scholarship document for new and updated scholarships. This can be found here.  Seniors are also reminded to please submit your college acceptances to guidance for recognition! The bulletin board is up, notifications are being posted to Facebook, and your name could be added to the lobby display of announcements!

FBLA Update:  Our FBLA team will be sponsoring the following activities this coming week: 

Monday - 1st Week of Hanukkah! (wear blue & white)

Tuesday - It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! (wear green & red)

Wednesday - That’s a Wrap!  (dress-up like as present)

Thursday - Ugly Sweater, Sweatshirt, Pants, and/or Socks Day!

Athletics: (subject to change)

 Mon (12/19) -  HS girls basketball @ Spruce 6:00pm. HS JV boys basketball @ Richmond; 5:00pm.

 Tue (12/20) - HS boys basketball HOME vs. Spruce 5:00/6:30.

 Wed (12/21) - HS wrestling @ Madison 4:00pm weigh in; 5:00pm start

 Thurs (12/22) - HS boys basketball HOME vs. NYA 5:00/6:30.  HS girls basketball @ NYA 6:00. 

 Note: Our Athletic Department has begun selling family season passes for the girls and boys basketball games.  The cost is $40 for a family pass (which will cover the immediate family members in each household).  Also, there will be a senior citizen seasonal pass available for $10 for each of our senior citizens.

Civil Rights Team:  Our team is part of the Maine Civil Rights Team Project (CRTP) whose mission is to increase the safety of elementary, middle, and high school students by reducing bias-motivated behaviors and harassment in our schools.  ALL students are invited and encouraged to be part of this team!  For more information, please connect with Ms. Darrell and/or Mr. Shain.

Say NO to Bullying!  Bullying is NEVER OK, and has NO place at MA.  If you or someone you know is experiencing any type of bullying or harassment (directly or indirectly), please let a teacher, staff member, or administrator know immediately.  We take great pride in maintaining a school environment in which ALL students and staff can feel safe and secure.  As it’s been said before, “If you ignore it, you approve it.”  Please join me in making our school a bully-free zone.  Thank you!

Anti-Bullying Quote of the Week:  “Never be bullied into silence.  Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.”  - Unknown

That concludes this week’s edition of The MA Express! The next edition will be out on January 2, 2023. On behalf of the faculty and staff at Monmouth Academy, I’d like to wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday break; and all the best for a happy and healthy New Year!  Take care. 


Mr. Ted Finn, Principal